Monday, November 2, 2009

Pumpkin Traditions

They know the drill

Plop on TOP

Get your picture taken
a MILLION different ways

Once mom is SATISFIED

Go on your merry way to
find your FAVORITE pumpkin

Ride the TRACTOR

And hold the cute CHICKS
(not girls...yet)

1 comment:

  1. Cuuute school pictures, Melissa! I love the schnept farm photos too-we never did make it out there. I need a dose of energy. Hey, can I get a supplement for that? JUST KIDDING =)

    Seriously though, we are downing our drops every day and I swear we've been sailing through the cold/flu around us. THANK YOU a million times over.

    You and Joel are amazing parents. I stand in awe of what you've walked through and are able to help others with. Dorothy is right-Justin is going to show us all something big. I'm so proud of your family and what you've overcome and continue to achieve.
